Contribution of the Commission de régulation de l’énergie to the public consultation on the revision of the European Union rules on access to the gas market and networks (english version)
News Gas
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In March, the European Commission launched a public consultation on the review of EU rules on access to the gas market and networks.
In addition to the review of the gas legislation, this consultation looks at the prospect of creating a hydrogen market.
CRE publishes its response to the public consultation in which it sets out its positions on the gas market and its evolution:
Design of the gas market:
1. A major revision of the rules of the gas market – which have proven to work well – is not desirable.
2. Possible legislative developments should focus on the barriers renewable and low carbon gases may face to access the market.
3. Consumer rights and protections should be the same for gas as for electricity, taking into account tech-nical specificities.
Infrastructure planning:
4. CRE is in favour of greater consistency between national and European plans, without necessarily going as far as complete alignment.
5. CRE does not recommend a single infrastructure development plan covering all energy carriers, but it believes that common scenarios should be used.
6. CRE subscribes to the European Commission's progressive vision for the development of hydrogen, and regulation will have to be approached in a dynamic way to accompany the development of the sector.
7. Different industrial models must be able to emerge, possibly integrated, in order to create the necessary conditions for the financing and development of the sector.
8. The development of hydrogen infrastructure must be based on proven needs and must be funded without support from other energy sectors.
Acces of renewable and low-carbon gases to the market:
9. Gas cross-border transmission tariffs should remain cost-based as long as imports remain dominant.
10. The access of renewable and low-carbon gases to wholesale markets should be facilitated, via reverse flows or "virtual" options, without calling into question the perimeter of the entry-exit zones.
See also

Public consultation on future electricity interconnectors between France and the United Kingdom
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