CRE, the French Energy Regulatory Commission, was created on 24 March 2000. Its role is to ensure that the electricity and gas markets in France function smoothly, for the benefit of end consumers and in line with energy policy objectives.
2 Independent Bodies
The collegial board
Five commissioners, appointed for their legal, economic and technical qualifications, determine the main orientations and adopt decisions and opinions based on expert assessments from the various departments, under the authority of the president and chief executive.
The Dispute Settlement and Sanctions Committee, known by its French acroynm “CoRDiS” (Comité de règlement des différends et des sanctions), comprises four members, including two members of the Conseil d’Etat (French Council of State), and two judges from the Cour de cassation (France’s Supreme Court). They are tasked with settling dis-putes concerning access to and use of the public electricity and gas networks between operators and users, and also with penalising infringements of the Energy Code.
An independent administrative authority
Our key figures
160 Staff (except collegial board)
as of 31st December 2023
371 CRE deliberations in 2023
77 commission meetings
13 decisions by the CoRDiS
48 market participants heard by the collegial board
19 referrals to the CoRDiS
13 public consultations
19 appearances by the president
chief executive and departments of CRE before the French parliament
22,6 millions of euros budget in 2023
CRE’s operating budget is proposed by the commission to the French Finance Minister, and subsequently included in finance legislation. The funds allocated are accounted for in the general public sector budget. CRE is subject to over-sight by the Cour des comptes, the French Court of Auditors.
from the energy market actors in fulfilling statutory roles
in work produced and the procedures for drafting official decisions and opinions
to ensure the neutrality, fairness and objectivity of official decisions and opinions
Continuous development
in the construction of the internal European market in energy
to the smooth functioning of the electricity and natural gas markets, for the benefit of end consumers
Implementing certain mechanisms
to support renewable energies, by organising tender processes
Regulating the networks
for gas and electricity, which are monopolies: setting tariffs and ensuring they do not give any user an undue advantage
Ensuring that consumers
are properly informed
Key Dates