Position papers
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On 30 November 2016, the European Commission published its legislative package entitled "Clean energy for all Europeans", which contains proposals aiming at amending energy regulations and directives, in particular in the electricity sector. [...]
On 30 November 2016, the European Commission published its legislative package entitled "Clean energy for all Europeans", which contains proposals aiming at amending energy regulations and directives, in particular in the electricity sector.
The CRE publishes a set of 13 position papers which gathers its observations to the European Commission's proposals. These documents which address the institutional framework, networks and markets issues, have been the subject of an inter-ministerial meeting which approved them. These positions will therefore be supported by the French authorities to the Council and to the members of the European Parliament.
"CRE wishes, with the publication of these position papers, to contribute positively to the current legislative debate and to favour the emergence of a consensus on the provisions put forward by the European Commission with its counterparts and the European institutions", stated Jean-François CARENCO , President of the CRE. "Building the Europe of energy is a huge challenge that must be pursued collectively with enthusiasm."
See also

Public consultation on future electricity interconnectors between France and the United Kingdom
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